Sunday, December 4, 2016

Review of The Movie: 300 (2007)

Starring: Gerard Bulter, Rodrigo Santoro, Lena Heady and Dominic West
300 movie based on the graphic novel ‘300’ by Frank Miller & Lynn Varley.
General Bulter is performing King Leonidas’s role that was born in 540 B.C and Sparata Greece was his birth place, while he died in 480 B.C in the battle of Thermopylae fatally wounded by arrows in the battle.

Rodrigo is performing the role of Xerxes, who was born in 519 B.C in Persia and assassinated by political advisor Artabanus.

Immortals by Frank Miller’s are disfigured as Imperial soldiers who fight behind the shiny masks using a martial arts like fighting style. In Persian history Persian rulers were protected by Immortals.

There are few amendments from the original story to fascinate the display, e.g. for Spartans body armor protection tool was very valuable assets but in movie Spartan soldiers are fighting nearly naked without any form of body armor protecting them.

History of 300 Spartans by the historians is that battle took place in 480 B.C and whether it happened in August or Mid-September of that year. 

Spartans were not as ‘good’ as the movie portrays them to be, many of the Greek soldiers who fought with the Spartan elite at the battle of Thermopylae, were forced to fight because they were slaves. They were biggest slaves owners in Greece, but at the same time Sparta women gad an unusual level of rights.

The biggest problem with the movie is that film leaves the audience believing that the Spartans were the only Greek force to lead against the Persian. Similarly, King Xerxes role was exaggerated, he wasn’t a tall man. No, Persian didn’t bring any charging elephant or rhinos to the battle of Thermopylae.

‘The movie depicts a small group of European freedom fighters holding off a large army of Iranian slaves. Although, many draw comparisons to modern day conflicts. . On Sunday, March 11, 2007, two days after the 300’s U.S release, Iran FARS news Agency reported that the Iranian government wasn’t happy with the movie’s depiction of their culture.

Zack Synder the director said that he didn’t intend to create the movie to be a commentary on current events. 

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The 4E'S Of Leadership.

we have all heard and read about leadership skills. i am going to be comperhensive and will tell you about the traits of leadersip by Jack Welch .

"The 4 E's of Leadership"
1)Energy - Individuals with energy love to "go, go, go." These people possess boundless energy and get up every day ready to attack the job at hand. High energy people move at 95 miles-per-hour in a 55 mile-per-hour world.
2)Energizers - know how to spark others to perform. They outline a vision and get people to carry it out. Energizers know how to get people excited about a cause or a crusade. They are selfless in giving others the credit when things go right, but quick to accept responsibility when things go awry.
3)Edge - Those with edge are competitive types. They know how to make the really difficult decisions, such as hiring, firing and promoting, never allowing the degree of difficulty to stand in their way.
4)Execute - The key to the entire model. Without measurable results, the other "E's" are of little use. Executers recognize that activity and productivity are not the same and are capable of converting energy and edge into action and results.

These are the 4E's of leadership...i hope by the end of our BSC we will all be excellant leaders.Inshallah.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


First of all its important to know that what is advertising? according to wikipedia the word Advertising mean "Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service"

Today, we see many advertisings are being made of a single product. And the only purpose is to persude the cutomer and to catch their atttention. Today many means are being used for advertising purpose. so types of advertising are as follows:

1. Media advertising: Commercial advertising media can include wall paintings, billboards, street furniture components, printed flyers and rack cards, radio, cinema and television adverts, web banners, mobile telephone screens, shopping carts, web popups, skywriting, bus stop benches, human billboards, magazines, newspapers, town criers, sides of buses
2. Covert advertising: Covert advertising is when a product or brand is embedded in entertainment and media. For example, in a film, the main character can use an item or other of a definite brand. Tom Cruise's character John Anderton owns a phone with the Nokia logo clearly written in the top corner.
3. Television commercials: The TV commercial is generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising format, as is reflected by the high prices TV networks charge for commercial airtime during popular TV events.
4. Infomercials: Infomercials are also known as direct response television (DRTV) commercials or direct response marketing. The main objective in an infomercial is to create an impulse purchase, so that the consumer sees the presentation and then immediately buys the product through the advertised toll-free telephone number or website.
5. Celebrity advertising: This type of advertising focuses upon using celebrity power, fame, money, popularity to gain recognition for their products and promote specific stores or products.

So these are some of the means of advertisments being used today. Most of the products are not as much useful but because of their good advertisment those products are been successful.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Click-and-mortar business

Click-and-mortar business refers to a company with actual facilities where customers can purchase products or services but that also has an e-commerce store where customers can make purchases online. It is essential that e-commerce stores have an attractive graphic design and an organized website navigation system. These factors and many others are necessary to make the online shopping experience pleasant and hassle-free while simultaneously building the trust that ensures a customer feels confident and secure when providing credit numbers or other banking information

Friday, February 6, 2009

Games that will prepare you for standardized testing

The second semester of each school year often brings together students nationwide in a common foreboding: the knowledge that standardized tests will soon be upon them. For elementary and middle school students, this usually means some type of basic reading and math assessment, and possibly science and social studies assessments, as well. For high school students, this can include a high school graduation exam or for those hoping to further their education, the SAT test.
Just in time for the testing season, has rolled out two more great vocabulary games at the website. Match It is a test-prep styled game that has you match vocabulary words with the sentence that best fits with the word. This is the type of vocabulary challenge that almost every student confronts on standardized tests. In most state and nationally normed tests, students are asked to match a list of vocabulary words with possible corresponding sentences. Match It mirrors that format, and allows students to choose word lists based on difficulty level, and whether they want alphabetical or random choices.


"We must not cease from exploration & the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began & to know the place for the first time".
by T.S. Eliot

I first read this in the introductory pages of Stephen R. Covey's book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Reading this part of I guess for the fourth time(because it is included in my final exam of marketing) I have just had a clear vision of what this observation means.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Use Test Taking Strategy to Gain highest Scores in Final

I have read an article named "Test Taking Strategy" which I have found very useful for our Final exam coming in near future. It focuses on the three types of idol behaviors those are Before Test, During Test and After Test strategies.

So, I want to share this useful instructions with my all class fellows.

Test Taking Strategies


  • Take a practice test the day before with conditions as much like the test as possible.
  • Review your summary sheets for an overall view of the material. Recite in your own words
  • Get enough sleep. Avoid caffeine which increases anxiety.
  • Remember to encourage yourself and STOP critical statements.
  • Give yourself time to feel composed and to be on time for the exam. Avoid anxious classmates who are talking about the exam.


  • Look over the entire test, READ THE DIRECTIONS, plan your approach, and schedule your time.
  • Start with the easiest question first.
  • Focus your attention on the test. Don't waste time and energy worrying, thinking about the consequences of not doing well, or wondering what others are doing.
  • If you don't know an answer, mark the question.
  • Suggest to yourself that you probably studied it and the answer will come to you when you get back to it.
  • If you start to feel anxious, practice your relaxation techniques. Use anxiety as a cue to relax. Close your eyes, take three deep breaths and then back to the task.

Essay Exams. Organize your thoughts in a brief outline. Look for key words such as compare, contrast, describe, identify. Start with a short summary or topical sentence and then make your points. Don't ramble. Remember what the professor emphasized.

Objective Exams. Think of your own answer before looking at the choices provided. Eliminate clearly wrong answers and make an educated guess (unless there is a severe penalty for wrong answers). After you have answered those you know, return to those you checked. Think about only one question at a time. After you have answered those you know, return to those you checked.

  • If your time is running out, concentrate on those questions you know well and/or have the most weight.
  • Use all the time allowed for reviewing your answers, completing ideas. Only change answers if you are sure of yourself.


  • Reward yourself for having tried. Don't go over the test questions with others. No matter how the test went, you can learn from the returned exam.

Final Thoughts

  • List the resources which are available: free tutors, Reading and Writing Center, etc.
  • List at least three specific steps which you can take now to meet your goals. (Check those suggestions you plan to follow).
