Sunday, February 1, 2009


The positive Client relationship that may take an eternity to develop… can be destroyed in an instant
1. Listen: Talk 10%, listen 90%.
Clients will love you and heck, you might just learn something.
2. Know the client’s business:
Do the research and understand their products, distribution, competition and position within the market.
3. Know the client’s customer:
Understand every step and emotion their consumers go through on the path to a purchase.
4. Be their brand steward:
Be protective of what’s responsible and relevant to their brand.
5. Exceed their expectations:
Surprise them with more than they expect and they’ll see more value.
6. Persuade, don’t sell:
Clients can smell a selling style and they think it stinks.
7. Don’t be self-serving:
Judge and support the work from a business perspective. If a client thinks you are looking at creative for creative sake the trust evaporates.
8. Demonstrate enthusiasm:
Show them that you love their business and helping them solve problems.
9. Know the client:
When a client knows the creative people on a personal level it goes a long way.
10. Apply some of these steps to the people you work with:
When the internal team trusts and respects each other, the work only gets better.

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