Friday, January 30, 2009

buyers behaviour

Why do customers buy? What goes on inside a customer's mind before, during and after a purchase? How do buyers choose? What are the hidden influences? How do buyers process information? Unlocking these secrets opens the door to success.
Why buy a Coca-Cola? Is it because of thirst? Why buy Levi's jeans? Is it to avoid hypothermia, or to conform to a social norm? Or do some brands offer other benefits - emotional benefits? Are there hidden reasons?
Let's look at the other side. What do the advertisers promise? That Coca Cola will quench your thirst or Levi's will keep your legs warm? Perhaps they appeal to other desires? Look at the advertisements. Try to summarise exactly what you think they are saying. This takes practice. Summarising advertisements is a skill which top marketing people develop. It may give you an insight into society, its values and aspirations; that is, if you believe that advertising reflects society.
We are not perfectly rational, sensible buyers. We do not always choose goods and services solely on price, performance and availability. The truth is that many purchases are influenced by a whole host of emotional reasons like esteem and image. Many of these non-rational reasons are hidden deep in our subconscious.

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