Thursday, January 29, 2009

Who Was Lord Nelson

Horatio, Lord Nelson, was the most famous commander in the history of the British Navy. Born in 1758, he was so frail and weak in early childhood that no one expected him to live! His father was clergyman, and the family had very little money, so Horatio had to leave home when he was twelve, and join the Navy as a midshipman to make his own career. When he was twenty one, he was made captain of a frigate and, with his new
Authority; he set about reforming discipline on his ship, saying that cruelty made cowards of his men.

Nelson’s rise to fame began in 1793, when he was put in command of the Agamemnon, during the revolutionary war with France. For the next three years he repeatedly distinguished himself by his calm, bravery and judgment. It was at this period that he lost his right eye at the battle of calvi, and soon after, in the Canary Islands, he lost his right arm.

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