Tuesday, January 27, 2009

characteristics of principle centered leaders

They are continually learning
Principle centered people are constantly educated by their experiences. They read, they seek training, they take classes, thet listen to others, they learn through both their ears and their eyes. they are curious, always asking questions. they continually expand their competence, their ability to do things. they develop new skills, new interests. they discover the more they know, the more they realise they don't know; that as the circle of knowledge grows, so does their outside edge of ignorance. Most of the learning and growth energy is self initaited and feeds upon itself

They are self oriented
those striving to be principle centered see life as a mission, not as a career their nurturing sources have armed and prpared them for service. in effect, every morning they woke up and put on the harness of service , thinking of others.

They radiate positive energy
the countenances of principle centered people are cheerful, pleasent, happy, their attitude is optimistic, positive upbeat. their spirit is enthusiastic , hopeful, believing.

They believe in other people
princple centered people don't overreact to negative behaviours, criticism, or human weaknesses. they don't feel built up when they discover the weaknesses of others. they are not naive; they are aware of weakness. but they realise that behaviour and potential are two different things. they believe in the unseen potential of all people. they feel grateful for their blessings and feel naturally to compasionately forgive and forget the offences of others. they don't carry grudges. they refuse to label other people, to sterotypes, categorise and prejudge. rather they see the oak tree in the acorn and understand the process of helping the acorn become a great oak.

they lead balanced lives
they read the best literature and magazines and keep up with current affairs and events. they are active socially, having many friends and a few confidants. they are active intellectualy, having many interets. they read, watch, observe and learn. within the limits of age and health, they are active physically. they have a lot of fun.you can sense thety have a healthy regard for and honesty about them.

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