Thursday, November 20, 2008


America appears to be swept up in a feel-good moment, but as much as Barack Obama appeals to me as a public speaker and wordsmith, as much as I appreciate his candid, inclusive style as an answer to everything stinking of George W Bush, as thrilled as I am for black Americans, who have proudly claimed and by his precedent feel empowered by his victory, I don't think the feel-good moment has arrived, or if it has, it is cruelly illusory.

That Mr. Obama gives good speeches is a given, his acceptance speech stands as one of the best ever. Good enough to drive people to tears, not just Americans but even foreigners, I watched his speech in my marketing class and a good number of students were affected from his speech.

It's so powerful when he says Yes We Can, "I am so moved, and he is kind to everyone,
He does not lose his hope and continue his struggle throughout and a dreamful day comes when he is a president of America.

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