Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"My Views on first three Habits"

Being Proactive

Well its hard to say whether I am more proactive person or not after reading the book. But overall I’ve experienced a change in me. I tend to take initiatives and I see the situation or circumstances in a big picture to judge what I can do for it or how I can include those things in my circle of influence.
Everyone is proactive I believe but the thing that matters is to what extent one is proactive. The best example that I see recently is; Barack Obama becoming the president of U.S.A. Despite knowing that no black has ever been elected as a president in the history of America, he took the initiative and won the hearts of countless people. Sometimes one man alone changes the history, and sometimes the whole world. Its just a matter of believing in your abilities.

There’s a saying, “If one thinks he can do it, he can; and if he thinks he cannot he is right.”
If you think you cannot do something, don’t even try it because you would not be able to.

End in Mind

I think we all have an end in mind before we do anything. We pray to Allah and do righteous deeds because we have an end in our mind that we would be answerable to Him in the hereafter. We all are studying because we have a goal, a target, an ambition in our mind we want to achieve. Some of us want to become bank managers, lawyers, CAs, business tycoons and what not. But the thing that I personally think important is that how seriously you take the end in your mind and work on it. No matter how hard, how challenging, how demanding the goal is; surely it is the hard work, the determination and the element of passion that leads to success.

There’s a famous saying that “Success is a journey not a destination.”

As Allama Iqbal says:

Khudee ko kar buland itna ke har takdeer se pehlay,
Khuda khud banday se poochay bata teri ra’za kya hai.

Put First things First

This habit simply says prioritize everything you do. Most important things should be at the top of the list and be given preference to others. Your tasks can be short term or long term and you can plan accordingly keeping in mind their state of urgency and importance.
I used this technique before as well but I do not normally write my tasks and plans on a piece of paper. But now I’ve learned that using a pen and paper can be very useful. You get the big picture and perhaps we all should have a schedule book as sir Mannan said.


Shahid Nawaz Niazi said...

Habit 1 is based on imagination, conscience, independent will, and self awareness.
Habit 2 is based on imagination and conscience.
Habit 3 is the second or physical creation.
Habit 3 is the exercise of independent will toward becoming principle centered.

Zain Ashraf said...

u r right brother but ive actually posted my views on these habits not the habits itself bcoz everybody can read that from the book.
i'll change the post title "first three habits" to "my views on first three habits".

thanks for reminding me

maryam said...

these three habbits r not just words to follow in my opinion its nt a matter ov days to adopt these habbits rather its an ongoing process which we have to keep in practice throughout,no matter wat age wat situation.
most ov us r taking these habbits as a part ov marketing course but v have to realize that its not part ov marketing course but v have to make them part ov our lives.

Zain Ashraf said...



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